
Gentlemen of the internet, reach down your pants, you probably bet me to that though. There's a point to this- I seen an ad for this thing called Movember at the start of the month, where in you grow a lip rug for the month of November in order to raise money for men's health charities, but I didn't really get my act together and bailed for a clean shave half way through the month (I get itchy skin if I don't) I felt bad about this, so if I can convince anyone reading out there (all 2 of you) to check your balls for lumps and subsequently not die from not checking, that would be great. Dudes just don't like getting that shit checked out. I found a lump meself a while back, I was pretty worried and got it checked, it was grand and all the docs were cool, very straight forward, I even got me nads gelled too, bonus. "But what if the Doc is hot girl Doc and I get shrivelidge" Just take a pocket sized pick of Gibbo to keep things hangin well.
G'wan, have a good rummage.

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