Work horse

Luke "the work-horse" Broughan got bizy for me and hocked out a new batch'o covers as can be seen below. All orders pending will be couriered by pigeon first thing de' Luain.

We skated Al's box down the Bray banks last week and this aul pair mistook it for a seat, in fairness, yer man was carrying a cane. Al just bluntslid them in half, problem sorted.

Sidewalk review

Picked up the new Sidewalk today- has a real rad Van City article (Snowy has 2 photos and a sick sick sequence), Gav has a "wowzers" sequence in the contents page, with many lads getting fine BGPs on it. The vid got a review too- cheers lads! Go out and buy it, amazing issue all round- that Kris Vile kid's interview- fookin Nora!


An Phoist

Apart from bills, I'm usually excited to see what the fear an phoist has deposited in me box, and I got two gems recently.

First off I got this mad good scene dvd off a fella called Scott Magill (my name is more Welsh than his) called "Who?" Who indeed, I was shocked by the standard from the valley boys, the vid mainly focuses on younger fellas and their technical flavours(flip manny flip manny flip out, nadda bother!) , but man, they're fuggin good at it, no weak sections in sight, good work all round. Get a copy- There's more on it right here:
Also jumpin out of Postman Pat's sac was this pile of radness from pool hunter and Melbourne local Eugene I love stickers! He sent over a few zines that document all the pools that he and his crew source out through their vacinity, super underground, super good, super keep it up!

My housemate/workmate repeatedly accuses me of looking like "That German guy from Die Hard- Hans" anytime I'm sporting a bit of furry growth. Then he also decided I look like the business jerk that tries to sell out McClane.

"hans, bubby, I'm your white night" Apparently so.
Luke lashed out a few covers, lovely stuff.

Speaking of Germans, this last wan is the main pic on the German bailgun blog right now, go Luke!

And a lirril' write up here:

I'm off ferreh skate